Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Miracles: The Birth Of Jesus Bringing Luck

As you all know, or maybe not, or possibly don't believe it: Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ and Jesus himself has blessed me with many miracles. It appears that my first miracle is that everyone in my class is beginning to like each other--like REALLY like each other, including myself and my miracle guy. My second miracle is my family, the family that will wake up to celebrate Christmas and gifts two days from now. Jesus has blessed me with more than that. He has also given me the luck of keeping my best friend Andrew for our anniversary of 6 years. Also, for giving me new friends and true feelings for someone I really like. God bless you all and have a merry Christmas and I hope you are blessed with luck as I have been.


This year in the 5th grade a miracle happened. A beautiful, heavenly, and long lasting miracle that I fear will stop at the end of this year. This miracle is a boy named Isaiha Lee. Isaiha is my miracle, because he is the cutest thing alive. I really can't admit it to his face, because it is hard enough to be around him without losing my mind completely. My friend Andrew Nash that I have known since K5 told him I liked him, and from there we became better and better friends and I made him a Christmas Card. I finally got the nerves to give it to him at the end of the day and he gave me a half hug. He tried to hug me, changed his mind, and turned into like a kneeling pose. I don't know if he likes me but I hope he does and he'll let me know because he's my first big REAL crush. God bless my lovely miracle: Isaiha Lee.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


This year, I am 11 now. Plenty months have gone by since my last post, and much has changed. My parents almost divorced and my mom moved out for about 3 weeks then came back. During that time, my dad might as well have been a dead doornail because he was grieving so much and I had to help him through. I knew I had to, so I tried my hardest. I knew the only thing that would keep him sane and slightly better would be us--his children. Autumn, my sister, was the biggest help, because she is the oldest and understood what he was going through. I didn't really, I mean I knew he was hurting but I didn't understand why all of it happened--out of the blue. I remember the night my mom left, and announced they were seperating. It felt like there was a hole growing in my chest, becoming larger until my heart was gone. And my lungs had stopped functioning as though I couldn't breathe. It felt like an ahsma attack along with cartiac problems. I don't know how to describe my pain any better than that, all I know is that it hurt. But i got through it, my mom figured out that she couldn't be without dad and they loved each other and so on, and my auntie (who was trying to get herself deeply involved) said sorry for getting so into something that wasn't really her bisuness. It was a rough time.
I am still in pain about losing Fouachua. I know that pain may never fade. Her birthday has passed and I don't know her number. I feel so terrible for not calling her. My birthday has passed as well. She is 5 days older than me. Of course, that is why I am 11 now. I have made new friends though. I met this really amazing girl named Francina. She was in the same class as Emma last year, but is way nicer. She is so awesome. I must admit, she can sing pretty well and i admire how strong spirited she is. You see, as I sit around going through a very hard 5th grade year I am progressing--and like i said--moving on and getting older and I know I will be ok. Make sure to check in for my next blog posting :)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Feeling Down: Helping Yourself

Ever feel down? Of course you have. Usually, you know when you're down. You have depressing thoughts, want alone time more often, need someone to talk to,and those kind of things. But that doesn't mean you have to STAY that way. Just let it out. Sometimes I feel down. When I feel down, I have a sister to talk to. She knows how to solve so many problems because she understands it. She is 17, so she understands all of that stuff and she knows how to help. But not everyone has supportive siblings. Some people have very non-supportive siblings or they don't have siblings. So they need a new way to feel better. Here is some ways to brighten your day:

Take a Nap
Read a book
Write (diary, story)
Talk to someone you know
Play a board/video game

These things help. If your feeling down, try these things out and see how you feel.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Moving On

Tons of you out there understand that when you lose someone, you need to move on. Sometimes it's hard, but people need to be strong. As you know, I've lost my friend Fouachua and I told you that I can't make new friends very well. But I know in my heart, although she is gone I have to stay strong and it's okay that I have no friends. Maybe it is better for me to just be alone. It hurts, because I'm not use to it. But those of you out there, remember that you can't just sulk in a corner because your sad about something and you wish it hadn't happened. You have to be strong. Get out of that corner, and try walking alone for once. Maybe you'll find things you never really knew before if you just stay by yourself. If you do, luck will come to you. I promise. I don't have a religion, but this may sound really religious but: may god be with you, at all times. He will watch over you. Remember that, and you'll be just fine.

Friends You Miss

Hi, my name is Myah Lee Williams and I am the daughter of Lora Williams, a professional horse trainer. I'm 10 years old, and I made a blog to share my thoughts and concerns; just as my mom did. As a kid, I understand that losing friends can be hard to get through....because I have lost one, as many others probably have. This is why I will share with you the story of my dearest friend that has left, and I may never see her again. Her name was Fouachua. She is a hmong 10 year old that was born in Louse and moved to America when she was 2. From there, she began to learn English and when she was 8 she came to my gifted and talented school: Golda Meir. We met on the 3rd day of school, and got along well. We met on the bus when I was being bullied by some mean kid. She stood up for me and we became friends. We had our ups and downs as the year went on, because some really rude catholic girl named Emma tried to break us up constantly. But we got through it, and by the next year (4th grade) we got along a lot better, and found that we had plenty in common. Especially when it came to music and sports. But right when we started to realize how much we had in common, and what good friends we could actually be...she announced she would be leaving the school. First, she said she would be leaving next year. But after a week or so, she said that she would be leaving the next day. That didn't happen. She ended up staying for another two weeks. On a monday afternoon, I got off the bus. We hugged and I got off, and she waved at me and yelled, "see you tomorrow, myah!".....but the next day, she wasn't there. Fouachua liked to prank people, so I didn't worry about it. She had tricked us into thinking she left at least 2 times, but I still had my doubts....the next day, she didn't show up again...and the next, and the next, and the next...until on a Friday, her cousin Asianna and I decided...she had left the school. I'm torn, and I cry just talking about it. She was my best friend, and I hoped that we would stay together until 8th grade. I thought we'd graduate together...but now she's gone...and I'm alone...I try making new friends, but everyone thinks I'm a nerd, they think I'm I just keep to myself all day and most of the time I eat lunch by myself...wishing she was with me....I understand how painful it can be to lose a friend...
Goodbye, Fouachua. Best friends forever..... :(